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Leroy Merlin

Created a quiz app to help Leroy Merlin employees get comfortable in their workplace.

PROCS is a mobile application with an administrative panel for training the employees of a chain of stores. Made for Leroy Merlin. Works on Android.

7 months

of work on the project


Leroy Merlin stores




It was necessary to create an application using which the employees could learn, improve their skills, and access reference information.

The mentors of new employees and store managers needed to monitor how new hires acquired the necessary knowledge and skills. The app should help employees quickly adapt to workflows and systems through gamification mechanics and approaches to learning.



We created an application and admin panel for working with the workflow and knowledge base.

In the app, employees go through tests that help them assess how much they have been able to understand these processes. Animated characters help pass the tests and report the results. How the employees are tested is monitored by their mentors and supervisors. They check the tests, create new ones, and track statistics using the admin panel. This is how they manage to assess how well staff members understand the workflow.

Development Process

The technical specification and design were developed in two months. We discussed the problem with the customer and decided that implementing games into the application was redundant. It was sufficient to structure the information and create tests to consolidate knowledge. An illustrator was hired to animate the characters. The application itself took five months to develop.

The customer said that the store’s employees will only use the app on corporate devices. Therefore, we bought a new smartphone and tested it only on the given device.

The Hardest Part

Difficulties arose with the animation process. We used the new Lottie library for the purpose. At first, we worked only with its standard functionality, without getting into the coding. The animation was constantly freezing as a result.

How we solved these tasks

We figured out the full functionality of the library and now we use it in all of our projects for animation purposes.

Victor Panchenko

Project manager

“The customer tested the product for a month, then distributed the devices with the application to the employees in order to collect feedback. The store’s employees and managers were satisfied. The client accepted the application without any additional comments.”

Technology Stack

Language: Java
DI: Dagger 2
Multithreading: RxJava2
Network: Retrofit + OkHttp
Database: Room
UI: Picasso, Lottie
Other: Fabric, FCM


We implemented the admin panel in PHP and the application in Java. It has 5 directions of tests and the same number of characters who help pass them. The characters communicate the results to users and rate them.

Most of the work with information takes place in the administrative panel. The managers look at the test results, form new tasks, and control how employees pass them. The database is stored on a separate server. The administrative panel allows users to view and edit the data.


Managers create tests for employees in the admin panel.

Formation and verification of tests

Managers create tests for employees in the admin panel.

Let’s discuss your project!

It is free. We will tell you how the application will solve your problems.