
Who’s in the goal? We have developed a ‘Tinder for athletes’ MVP

Spota is a startup app that helps find like-minded people for doing sports together. It is built with KMM for iOS and Android.

Less than a year of development

Budget: 5 million rubles



To develop MVP for an app to find people for doing sports together.



We have developed a multi-platform MVP.

Users select a sport venue on the map, a sport, and desired time to create an event. The event is then marked on the map and anyone can join it.

The user can also select any sport and set the ‘Up for it’ status. This will make them marked on the map, and other users will be able to invite them to events.

Other than preset sports and venues, you can also create an event anywhere on the map.

Development Process

Maps Integration. After a user signs up in the app, they are shown the map of their city. Thanks to an integration with Apple Maps, the users can see the nearest sport venues with the relevant information.

Creating an Event. Users can select any venue and time and create a sport event there, for example, a football or basketball match. The event will be marked on the map and any user of the app will be able to join it.

The user can also take a different approach: select a sport and set a status, indicating that they are up for it. This will display them on the map, and any user will be able to invite them to events.

Cost Calculation. When users select a sport venue, they can see the cost of its use (if available). The cost is automatically split between the event participants.

A Chat for the Participants. Everyone who joins the event is added to its dedicated chat. Here they can go over the details before the meeting and discuss the event afterwards. All event participants will receive a notification at a specified time before the event starts.

The Hardest Part

The customer had prepared their own design, and some of its aspects were not quite user-friendly.

How we solved these tasks

We gathered a team of testers and designers and finalized the design in a very short time. Our resulting design was as close as possible to the customer’s, but more user-friendly at the same time.

Technology Stack

iOS on Swift
Android on Kotlin


The app allows you to create an event to find fellow athletes or express your desire to do sports. Events can be created at sport venues or anywhere else on a map. The information about the venues is automatically fetched from the Yandex database.

At the moment, the customer is looking for funding with this MVP.


In the online mode, the app fetches necessary information about sport venues: working hours, types of sports available, and cost (if indicated).

Maps Integration

In the online mode, the app fetches necessary information about sport venues: working hours, types of sports available, and cost (if indicated).


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